Is Khao Soi Healthy?

Yes, khao soi is one of those rare dishes that is simultaneously delicious and quite healthy. Unlike other delicious foods, it doesn’t rely on an abundance of sugar or fat to taste good. Let’s take a look at why khao soi is quite healthy.
What is in Khao Soi?
Khao soi contains several components, including:
- Some type of protein, such as chicken, beef, or pork.
- Egg noodles
- Fish sauce
- Curry paste
- Coriander
- Coconut milk
- Chicken broth
- Shallots
- Bean sprouts
- Pickled mustard greens
The paste for khao soi contains an abundance of healthy ingredients and spices, such as dried chilis, turmeric, ground coriander, curry powder, garlic, coriander stems, ginger, and shallots. None of these are unhealthy.
In terms of the rest of the dish, you could argue somewhat that coconut milk is too fatty or egg noodles have too many carbs. However, you can buy low-fat coconut milk and you can use fewer egg noodles if carb overload concerns you. it would be stretching it to say either of these things makes this an unhealthy dish.
You might argue that fish sauce isn’t healthy because of its sodium content. There is a lot of confusion online about whether fish sauce is actually bad for you or not. I saw one report in an Australian online magazine saying it’s bad for you.
However, when you delve into the actual scientific papers, you find this 2016 study entitled, A New Alternative to Sodium. The paper says that fish sauce “reduced the amount of sodium chloride by by 10-25 percent.”
You’ll often get served fish sauce in a bottle with your Khao SOi when you order this soup in Thailand. I think it’s prudent to remember that a little goes a long way; just a splash or two can really enhance the flavor of your soup. And always taste first to check if the dish needs more salt.
The abundance of vegetables you top the khao soi with just adds to its appeal as one of those rare plates of food that is incredibly scrummy and not bad for the body. You definitely have an excuse to eat seconds or even thirds without feeling guilty. Happy days!
What Type of Curry is Khao Soi?
Khao soi is a curry from the North of Thailand. It’s best described as kind of a curry noodle soup with coconut milk in it. It’s actually quite rare for a northern Thai curry dish to contain coconut milk; this is often a feature of Southern or Central Thai curry dishes.
As mentioned above, you can use chicken, beef, or pork as the protein. Most common for khao soi is to use chicken drumsticks. In Thailand, beef is also a very common addition to this curry noodle soup. Pork is a rarer option but I’ve seen it several times. To maximize the health benefits, you’re better off sticking with chicken.
From a vegetarian context, it’s possible and completely tasty to have khao soi without any protein. You could also add tofu to replace the meat, however, I haven’t tried that so I’ve no idea if it’s good or not.
What Does Khao Soi Taste Like?
The tastiest versions of Khao Soi should be quite intense in flavor with bold heat from the curry powder and delicious creaminess from the coconut milk. The flavor of the dish can vary quite considerably depending on where you order it from.
Some versions of khao soi tend towards a sweeter taste, which I don’t particularly enjoy. Luckily, even where you get a milder, sweet broth, you can often spike it with chili oil, which is served as a tableside condiment.
Closing Thoughts
Khao soi is a delicious and much recommended Thai dish. In fact, if anyone I know is visiting the North of Thailand, this is the number one dish I tell them to try. Thankfully, the use of healthful spices, coriander, and vegetables makes this quite a healthy noodle soup to try.
It can be hard to find a Thai restaurant outside Thailand that makes khao soi, let alone a good version of it. This is one of those dishes where you’ll just have to visit the Land of Smiles to experience what it really tastes like.

I lived in Thailand for a few years during my 20s during which time I fell in love with Thai food. Along with my Thai partner, I cook and eat tasty Thai dishes 3 or 4 times per week. I’m here to bring you recipes, Thai food tips, and suggested cookware for making Thai food.